This site is dedicated to HELPING Toronto Homeowners

when Toronto Buildings FAILS to ACT to protect your property rights!

“The Chief Building Official (CBO) and building inspectors role is” enforcing the Building Code Act, 1992 (Act)”

It outlines our ongoing struggle with Toronto Buildings

culture of fear, obfuscation, lack of experience and inaction.

Don’t just take our word for it; the Toronto Auditor General found “Communicating, and following up on deficiencies identified
during inspections – We found deficiencies identified during inspections were not consistently documented, communicated and followed-up by inspectors in accordance with the Division’s operational policies and procedures.”  AND THAT…

“Issuing and enforcing orders to make sure violations and other matters are promptly and properly addressed – There is no requirement in the Act to issue orders; however, they are one of the tools for bringing about compliance. Toronto Building takes a progressive approach to enforcement which starts with verbal requests. However, we found that some inspectors did not issue orders to enforce compliance after repeated verbal requests for action to be taken by the permit holder. In cases where inspectors issued orders, they did not consistently follow up to ensure action on open orders achieved compliance by the specified date.”

READ THE FULL AUDIT HERE: Building Better Outcomes: Audit of Toronto Building’s Inspection Function

We will endeavour to make recommendations based on our experiences and will eventually included other constituent’s Toronto Building’s FAILURE stories.